The essential reading list for social purpose professionals: 7 leaders to follow
It’s no surprise that I’ve always been inspired by the social purpose movement, after all I’m one of the co-founders of Bmeaningful. While I was working as a marketing manager at a nonprofit, it was important for me to stay up to date with the latest news and trends in the sector. Through …

Two things you can do everyday to drastically improve your chances of getting promoted
Do you have a passion for social good but feel that you need to be in a higher position to be a change maker? Have you been in the same job for a while and are feeling frustrated that you can’t seem to move up? Or maybe you’ve been day dreaming …

The most important work meeting? A high level meeting with yourself
When asked about the secret to his success Albert Einstein was quoted as saying: “Although I have a regular work schedule, I take time to go for long walks on the beach so that I can listen to what is going on inside my head. If my work isn’t going …

How do you add impact to your day job? Skills-based volunteering
Skills-based volunteering is quickly becoming a favored way for professionals to use their skills for good and generate positive impact. No longer does the daily grind need to feel so grinding. Participating in skills-based volunteering is a great way to feel good while doing good. Not only that, but it also offers an …

The recruitment revolution: Why promoting culture matters
The demographic tidal wave we’ve been waiting for has arrived. Millennials now outnumber Boomers in the workplace. That means a company’s next hire is likely a Millennial, and HR is taking notice. There’s a growing focus within recruitment to learn what it takes to grab the attention of a generation …

Top 5 quotes for finding meaningful work
Are you looking for meaningful work but wondering where to start? The impact professionals we’ve interviewed have been there, and they’ve come out the other side with a job, a purpose, and a paycheque. Wondering how they did it? We’ve compiled the top 5 quotes from our interviews on advice …

5 CSR departments you didn’t know existed and how to apply
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t a nice to have anymore, it’s now an expectation that organizations consider their place in the world. The role of business is quite different than it was even a decade ago. A quick search of most corporate websites will now turn up a CSR page. …

The top 4 ways to make a meaningful job
Whatever happened to the “typical work day”? Almost without exception the socially conscious professionals we interview tell us they don’t have a typical day. Not only that, but they go on to explain how relieved they are to not have a typical day. We think that’s interesting, that meaningful work means …

Looking for a summer job with purpose? Try pitching your own under Canada’s summer jobs program
This week most university and college classrooms go quiet as students take time off for reading week. It’s also the time when students start dusting off their resumes and gearing up for their summer job search. Balancing school with a job search can feel like a daunting task, especially when today’s young professionals …

Can’t Miss 2016 Conferences for Purpose Driven Professionals
2016 stands to be another great year for meaningful work. How do we know this? In part because of the growing number of impressive conferences in the space. Conferences provide opportunities for professional development, career exploration, and creating new partnerships. There’s no shortage of networking events, inspiration from leading edge …

Best resources for purpose driven professionals
Being a super star leader, employee and colleague requires a combination of factors including continuous learning. I’ve compiled my go-to list for being in the know – from what you should be reading to who you should be following and everything in between. Get Smarter: Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) …

8 tips to get a nonprofit job
A career in nonprofit can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. Many are willing to forego a higher salary in order to work on a mission and a sense of purpose. Whether you are looking to switch into a career in nonprofit from the corporate sector, looking for a new …

Don’t forget to do these three things before the end of an internship
Dare we say it, is summer coming to a close? With the Toronto Exhibition on, and Labour Day weekend just around the corner, all signs point to yes. Another sure fire sign that summer is on its way out is the end of summer internships. This week many young professionals will …

3 ways to get a CSR job without quitting your day job
Whether you are looking for your next job or simply not ready to leave your current one, there are ways to make your current job more impactful. The act of creating change from inside your company is also known as intrapraneurship and could be one of the most powerful ways to …

How to spend a billion dollars on charity
Whether it’s $1 or 1 Billion, how to plan your charity donations. Hint: focus on the impact.

The top social impact conferences and 4 reasons employees need to attend
Conferences can sometimes feel like a drag, a day away from work, speaking with strangers and bad conference food. And with social impact organizations being money conscious, it’s not uncommon for conferences to get de-prioritized in the budget. Not spending on conferences may save you money in the short term …

Careers in fundraising: 5 options to consider
A career in the nonprofit sector is full of options, from working in communications and fundraising to finance and program management. As the primary source of income for nonprofits and charities are donations, careers in fundraising (aka development) are a great career option, as you’ll always be in demand and an asset to your organization. …

5 surprising facts about CSR jobs
If you’re looking for a corporate social responsibility (CSR) job, you already know that every company has a different approach to CSR. This variety makes it challenging to know what companies need and how to position yourself for success. And if you’re looking to switch into CSR, you may be wondering what …

10 Tips for a Career in Corporate Social Responsibility
A career in corporate social responsibility (CSR) is considered the holy grail for many professionals. Whether you are looking to switch into CSR or start your career it can be incredibly daunting (and competitive). How do you break into break into the limited number of CSR roles if you’re coming …

The insider’s guide to finding meaningful work and attracting top talent
In collaboration with the Social Innovation Generation team at MaRS, Bmeaningful is pleased to share a white paper on the ins and outs of impact careers. The Impact Economy: The Insider’s Guide To Finding Meaningful Work And Attracting Top Talent explores the barriers that make it difficult for talented people to …