How I found my first job in corporate social responsibility after graduation
Our mission here at Bmeaningful is to help you find and get a job with impact. So, there’s nothing we love more than hearing about it when you do (and even more when Bmeaningful helps)! We heard from Anureet Kaur, who graduated from the University of Toronto’s Masters of Sustainability Management Program. …

You could be looking for your new impact job all wrong
When you’re looking for a new job do you search your skill set and see what comes up? Or maybe you scroll through open listings and see what job titles appeal to you? Likely, it’s some sort of combination of the two because that’s how most job sites work. Companies are …

37 search term ideas for jobs with impact
Perhaps now more than ever, it’s critical that we stay committed to using our skills for good (and maybe even encouraging others to join us). Some may feel the system is broken, our problems too large or maybe just that it feels pointless. But as Leonard Cohen poetically said “there’s a crack in …

Stop waiting for the right time and do this instead
When you’re in school there’s a time for everything. There’s class time, homework time, break time, lunch time. Beyond your day being scheduled, there’s a time to apply for university/graduate school, grants etc. For many of us over-educated professionals, we are used to being in school and being told when …

3 ways to be a standout job candidate
Standing out as a job applicant in the impact sector gets harder and harder as the sector grows in popularity. Today, standing out means going above and beyond the obvious requirements of having a carefully crafted cover letter, well-written emails and prompt replies. You’re competing with hundreds of other top quality …

How do you add impact to your day job? Skills-based volunteering
Skills-based volunteering is quickly becoming a favored way for professionals to use their skills for good and generate positive impact. No longer does the daily grind need to feel so grinding. Participating in skills-based volunteering is a great way to feel good while doing good. Not only that, but it also offers an …

Top 5 jobs for the sustainability professional
If last week’s Earth Day got you in the mood to take your professional skills in a more sustainable direction, you’re not alone. Fortunately, gone are the days when you needed an environmental science degree for a job that helps the planet. Sustainable oriented careers can range from consulting to …

Top 5 quotes for finding meaningful work
Are you looking for meaningful work but wondering where to start? The impact professionals we’ve interviewed have been there, and they’ve come out the other side with a job, a purpose, and a paycheque. Wondering how they did it? We’ve compiled the top 5 quotes from our interviews on advice …

5 CSR departments you didn’t know existed and how to apply
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) isn’t a nice to have anymore, it’s now an expectation that organizations consider their place in the world. The role of business is quite different than it was even a decade ago. A quick search of most corporate websites will now turn up a CSR page. …

Looking for a summer job with purpose? Try pitching your own under Canada’s summer jobs program
This week most university and college classrooms go quiet as students take time off for reading week. It’s also the time when students start dusting off their resumes and gearing up for their summer job search. Balancing school with a job search can feel like a daunting task, especially when today’s young professionals …

The 3 reasons you need to be on twitter now
Depending on who you ask social media is described as a fun way to pass the time all the way to an amazing networking tool. Professionally, everyone knows they “have to be on LinkedIn” but is that the only media stream that matters? One of our favourite social media platforms for purpose driven professionals is twitter. When …

Want a new job in 2016? The biggest mistake you could be making
As the end of the year approaches, many people reflect on what they’ve accomplished and think about their resolutions for the year ahead. A new year symbolizes a new beginning and to those who are extremely unhappy at work (read: unfulfilled, frustrated, unemployed, or ready to move on) it provides …

Best resources for purpose driven professionals
Being a super star leader, employee and colleague requires a combination of factors including continuous learning. I’ve compiled my go-to list for being in the know – from what you should be reading to who you should be following and everything in between. Get Smarter: Stanford Social Innovation Review (SSIR) …

3 hard truths to know before working in nonprofit
Many professionals want to work in the nonprofit sector and while it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, there are some important realities you should know about before taking your first nonprofit job. Whether you are just graduating, in the middle or twilight of your corporate career or somewhere in between, …

Sending a connection request on LinkedIn? Make sure you don’t do this
LinkedIn is a powerful online professional networking resource and likely one of your most useful tools for managing your relationships and online career profile. Building up your network is one of the most important things a professional can do- not just when job searching but throughout one’s career. LinkedIn has done a tremendous …

3 obvious, yet often forgotten, tips for getting a social impact job
Finding the perfect social impact job takes hard work and persistence. Good career advice is sector, even company specific. Advice for getting a job at Google is very different than good advice for getting a job at TD or the United Way. But there’s some common tips that transcend all sectors and are …

3 impact companies great for business grads
When you’re a Purple Sheep and business grad, you’re likely looking for a company where you can use your skills for good, make a difference with your career and earn a decent paychque. After all, you’ve just spent a good chunk of change on tuition and many hours developing your business …

8 tips to get a nonprofit job
A career in nonprofit can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience. Many are willing to forego a higher salary in order to work on a mission and a sense of purpose. Whether you are looking to switch into a career in nonprofit from the corporate sector, looking for a new …

3 impact companies that support career growth
Considering the fact that 58% of Millennials cite career growth and professional development as their primary career goal they want to accomplish by the time they’re in their 30s or 40s, great companies are working hard on providing these types of opportunities. There’s a great management quote we saw a few weeks ago where …

CSR leaders at FedEx, Google and MLSE share an inside look at a typical day
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs look different at every company. To some, CSR can refer to their sustainability efforts, investment in community events, employee volunteerism or the management of the corporate foundation. The skills, competencies and qualities needed are as varied as the jobs themselves, but there are common attributes that are …