Job Search

Want a new job in 2016? The biggest mistake you could be making

As the end of the year approaches, many people reflect on what they’ve accomplished and think about their resolutions for the year ahead. A new year symbolizes a new beginning and to those who are extremely unhappy at work (read: unfulfilled, frustrated, unemployed, or ready to move on) it provides a perfect opportunity for a fresh start.

For those of you who dream of a new job in 2016, the biggest mistake you could be making is stopping there… it’s just not SMART.

And by SMART – we mean specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely. Setting a goal of “getting a new job” is not enough. To make your desire more of a reality, consider making your goal less general and more tangible.

For example, consider the following instead:

By March 1st, I’m going to set up 7 informational interviews, go to 5 networking events and update my resume on LinkedIn. 

This goal outlines the specific actions that you need to take by providing realistic and actionable measurements within a specific time period. Continue applying to jobs (on Bmeaningful :)) but to increase the chances of making your resolution a reality- consider getting SMART about it!

What other resolutions do you have for the new year?

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