How to overcome the fear of career switching
Ways that can help you take the first step towards a career you won’t want a vacation from.

7 little things you can easily do to make your week more meaningful
While there’s no quick fix to having a meaningful life, there are some easy things you can start doing to make your days more meaningful. Whether you do one a day or all of them in a day, by continually practicing these habits you will notice a change. Here’s 7 …

Joeri van den Steenhoven, Director MaRS Solutions Lab
Joeri supervises and manages MaRS’ Solutions Lab, a team committed to tackling complex societal and economic challenges that require systems change. More than a think tank, the Solutions Lab is action oriented, applying tools and techniques from various fields, taking social innovation to another level. We love the work they’re doing …

Confessions of a Purple Sheep: 3 Pieces of Career Advice
Finding your dream social impact job takes hard work and persistence. Good career advice is sector, even job specific. Advice for getting a job at Google is very different than good advice for getting a job at the RBC Foundation or the United Way. We’ve gone through our Purple Sheep interviews …

Confessions of a Purple Sheep: How 10 Social Impact Professionals Got Their Jobs
Do you ever wonder how people get their jobs? How important your resume or networking really are? We share the secrets of how Purple Sheep- corporate dreamers who use their skills for good- got their jobs. What you find out may surprise you (6x over).
How to train for your career like an Olympic athlete
From a very young age, Olympic athletes train for competition and have their hopes set on gold. Their training may be intense, but the process to achieving their dreams is not limited to athletes. Here are three ways to start training for your career like an Olympic athlete. Plan your career …
Feeling stuck? How to approach making a career change
Guest Blog Post By: Jodi Lastman ‘Pivot’ has become the hot word in startup circles. YouTube did it, Flickr did it and we should be able to do it too. In short the message is that abruptly shifting in the face of obstacles is cool and easy. Those of us …
What the Rob Ford Scandal Can Teach Us About Having a Meaningful Career
People around the world are transfixed by the Rob Ford scandal. News outlets from CBC, and CNN to Jon Stewart and even Saturday Night Live have covered it. While most media is focused on the negative, there is something positive we can learn from the scandal about having a meaningful …

13 Tips To Finding A Social Innovation Job
Looking for a social innovation job? No matter how you define social innovation, we got the latest tips and guidelines for finding a career in this growing sector. We’ve curated feedback from different social innovation insiders to bring you this list. 1. DON’T JUDGE A JOB BY ITS TITLE. Social …