Where are they now? An update on the careers of 3 impact professionals
Career paths in social impact are non-linear and non-traditional. The diversity of skills needed to work in the space naturally make purpose driven professional more versatile and that allows for a range of possible career paths. More traditional career progression (junior analyst to analyst to senior analyst etc.) is less common in social impact, and …

Andrew Ripley the Co-Founder of PurposeMatch.com
One of the most challenging aspects of searching for a career with purpose it that there is no roadmap. Instead there’s options, trade-offs, decisions and a whole host of different paths to explore. Gone are the days where professionals settled in with a company out of college and then defined their career success …

Looking for a summer job with purpose? Try pitching your own under Canada’s summer jobs program
This week most university and college classrooms go quiet as students take time off for reading week. It’s also the time when students start dusting off their resumes and gearing up for their summer job search. Balancing school with a job search can feel like a daunting task, especially when today’s young professionals …

Lindsay Oughtred the Executive Director of Kids Up Front Toronto
If there is one thing typical of the many professionals we interview in the impact sector, it’s that no two careers paths are alike. Take Lindsay Oughtred, who taught high school for a decade before launching the Toronto chapter of Kids Up Front. Now she’s involved in every aspect of …

The 3 reasons you need to be on twitter now
Depending on who you ask social media is described as a fun way to pass the time all the way to an amazing networking tool. Professionally, everyone knows they “have to be on LinkedIn” but is that the only media stream that matters? One of our favourite social media platforms for purpose driven professionals is twitter. When …

Ben Connor the Co-Owner of Coco Loco Resort in Nicaragua
Like many of the Purple Sheep we interview, Ben Connor, a co-owner of Coco Loco Resort in Nicaragua, shrugged at the suggestion he had to choose between meaningful work and earning a paycheque. The well travelled Connor joined a group of social entrepreneurs in developing the resort that is deeply embedded …

Paul Fairlie the President and CEO of Paul Fairlie Consulting
The science and social imperative of meaningful work: Have we reached a tipping point? That’s the question Paul Fairlie is answering with his research. As a work psychologist Paul has delved into the inner workings of employee engagement and he’s found that meaningful work and having positive social impact are having …

Ada Tsang the Co-founder and VP HR of Endeavour Volunteer Consulting for Non-Profits
Have you ever considered working in the nonprofit sector but hesitate to make the transition because you’re unsure of what to expect in a sector driven by purpose? Take some of the uncertainty out of the process by volunteering and getting a firsthand look at what it’s like to work in a nonprofit. Consider joining Endeavour Consulting, …

Can’t Miss 2016 Conferences for Purpose Driven Professionals
2016 stands to be another great year for meaningful work. How do we know this? In part because of the growing number of impressive conferences in the space. Conferences provide opportunities for professional development, career exploration, and creating new partnerships. There’s no shortage of networking events, inspiration from leading edge …
Career advising for impact driven talent
I believe that we need more top talent working on the world’s biggest problems (that means you). I want to help you do that. I will help you clarify your interests, determine a plan for your search and acquire the knowledge to help reach your goals.
Update: Where are they now with Fatima Crerar
Fatima Crerar Past: Director of Projects at Public Inc. Current: Director of Social Impact at ecobee
How to use CSR buzz words in the right context
Every industry and sector has terminology that only the true insiders know about. I remember when I started my first nonprofit job after business school, I was so confused by the lexicon of the nonprofit sector including terms like “theory of change” and “capacity building” that the puzzled look on …

5 social impact trends for 2016
The social impact sector will be an exciting field to be a part of in 2016. What started as a small niche has grown steadily and we anticipate that this movement towards meaningful work will continue to thrive in 2016. Whether you are looking to excel in your career, impress your boss or …

Want a new job in 2016? The biggest mistake you could be making
As the end of the year approaches, many people reflect on what they’ve accomplished and think about their resolutions for the year ahead. A new year symbolizes a new beginning and to those who are extremely unhappy at work (read: unfulfilled, frustrated, unemployed, or ready to move on) it provides …

3 hard truths to know before working in nonprofit
Many professionals want to work in the nonprofit sector and while it can be an incredibly rewarding experience, there are some important realities you should know about before taking your first nonprofit job. Whether you are just graduating, in the middle or twilight of your corporate career or somewhere in between, …

Gelaine Santiago the Co-Founder of Cambio Market
Quitting your stable corporate job to start your own social enterprise takes a lot of courage and conviction. The thought of which can scare even the bravest of individuals. Gelaine’s career story shows us how you can gradually make the transition and why there’s no better time to be a social entrepreneur than …

Lisa Gibbs. Director, Community Investment. Shoppers Drug Mart
Dream job alert! Leading a company’s corporate social responsibility efforts is one of the most coveted roles among social impact professionals. And when that company also happens to be one of Canada’s strongest brands- it’s even more desirable- as you have the opportunity to impact change on a wide scale. While …

Corey Evans. Manager, Sponsorship, Community Investment & Experiential Marketing. WestJet
Corey’s job reminds us that companies don’t have to separate their business objectives from their community efforts. Authentic campaigns that ‘plan for the effect, not the results’ are supremely powerful- case in point WestJet’s Christmas Miracle. Corey’s focus on content marketing provides a unique perspective, but it’s his insight on leadership and hard work that …

Sending a connection request on LinkedIn? Make sure you don’t do this
LinkedIn is a powerful online professional networking resource and likely one of your most useful tools for managing your relationships and online career profile. Building up your network is one of the most important things a professional can do- not just when job searching but throughout one’s career. LinkedIn has done a tremendous …

How to add meaning without a career change: a conversation with Jaime Stein
Jaime Stein (pictured left) represents a different kind of Purple Sheep- one who uses his skills for good without breaking away from the corporate herd. For those of us who want to make a difference but can’t find the right impact job just yet, or are not ready to leave …